On March 4th, I traveled to Long Beach California to attend the Western American Choral Directors Association (WACDA) Conference. I submitted my piece "Invitation to Love" to their Call for Scores last year and was notified that I was one of seven winners! I was then invited to the conference to see a reading of my piece. It was read by a group of choir students from all over the west coast.
Not only did I get to hear my piece live for the first time, I attended a college fair (which I quickly learned was mainly for undergraduate choir/voice students, lol), a conversation lead by choir directors about writing for different levels of voices, and watch concert in the beautiful Long Beach Terrace Theater.
I have posted some pictures from the trip on Instagram and Facebook (embedded below) and I'll be posting them in the gallery on this website too. The recording of my piece will be uploaded as well. It was a wonderful experience, and I am grateful I had the chance to attend!