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Past, Present, and Future

Wind Sextet: Flute, Oboe, Bâ™­ Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax

​Duration: 15'


Commissioned by the Allies+ Organization at the University of Arkansas, Past, Present, and Future is a multi-movement work that looks into gender inequality, and its effect on women in today's society.

The first movement, "Left Behind", is a slow piece meant to impart the feeling of being left out and dejected, which are emotions many women feel in today's society. It has a mournful and somber quality.

The second movement is "Pressure", and it represents societal pressure placed on women. The music is uncomfortable, dissonant, and chaotic. It experiments with different air pressures and timbres of the instruments.

The final movement is called "Past, Present, and Future". It represents issues women have faced, are currently facing, and will continue to face, while also expressing hope for the future. It features a perpetually moving ostinato, representing women moving forward no matter what the world may throw at them.

Past, Present, and Future: Text
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